- Award Points
- TextNow
- Sync Patient with MyPatientNow
- Retrieving the Patient’s Online Username and Password in PatientNow
- Patient Registration through MyAppointmentNow
- Release of Information
- Sending a Personalized Email to a Patient
- Saving an Email in PatientNow
- Documentation of Email Sent to Patient
- Photo Management
- Scanning from a Local Scanner
- Patient Address Autocomplete
- Patient Referral Source
- Merging Duplicate Patients
- Date of Death
- Adding a New Patient into PatientNow
- Patient Documents Tab Configuration
- Best Practices for Treatment Pathway (Workflow) Design
- An Introduction to Treatment Pathways
- Using SecurePayNow
- Using BarcodeNow
- Adding Barcodes to Document Templates
- Adding a .pdf Document Template
- Document Template Configuration
- Configuring Award Points
- Laser Treatment Types and Spots
- Injectable Types
- Configuring Chief Complaints
- Configuring MyPatientNow
- Defining Users Who May Sync Patients to the Patient Portal
- Configuring Social History Questions & Answers
- Configuring Family Medical History List
- Configuring Personal Medical History List
- Configuring Patient Registration Fields
Quotes & Invoicing
- Configuring Service Facilities for Insurance Billing
- Configuring Sales Tax
- Configuring Providers
- Performing a Product Return
- Apply Patient Payment
- Invoice Locking
- Creating a Prepaid Package Invoice
- Four Accounting Buckets
- Receiving Items on an Invoice
- Selling Gift Cards
- Using a Gift Card as Payment on an Invoice
- Adding Funds to a Gift Card
- Checking the Balance on a Gift Card
- Ordering Gift Cards
- Gratuity
- Lifetime $ Calculation
- Tracking Projected Income
- Configuring Products
- Award Points
- Using SecurePayNow
- Quotes
- Configuring Award Points
- Configuring Procedure Categories
- Configuring Procedures
- Configuring Coding Quick Picks
- Configuring Sales Packages
- Configuring Payment Methods & Payment Types
- Configuring Discount Reasons
- Configuring Promotional Discounts
- Configuring Memberships
- Insurance Billing
- Memberships
- Treatment Pathways
- Clinical Information