QuickNote Snippets Configuration

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Navigate to Administration | QuickNote Snippets.

QuickNote Snippets allow users to have “memorized” sentences and paragraphs that may include patient-specific values (e.g. pronouns). There are 4 types of snippets.

  1. User Snippets: available to the logged-in user when creating any type of document
  2. Note Template Snippets: available to any user creating the specific note template
  3. Chief Complaint Snippets: available to any user when the Chief Complaint has been added to the patient’s clinical information
  4. Data Point Snippets: determine how each of the data points displays in any template when selected; these values are system-wide and should be changed with care

Snippets are used in Document Creation to save the user time and use consistent language. While creating a document, the user may right-click and insert previously-created snippets, as well as create them on the fly. There are some common tools available to configure all 4 types of snippets.

Basic Functionality

Note: These tabs include generic Add, Edit, and Delete Functionality

  • Add New: opens a new record at the bottom of the window with all of the fields empty. Please carefully review the existing snippets to see if one of them may work BEFORE adding to the system
  • Add as New: must be selected to save the information after completing the empty Add New screen. May be selected when an existing record is in focus and you wish to create a copy of that record instead of creating a new, blank record.
  • Save Modifications: must be selected when you have made changes to an existing record and you wish to save the changes.
  • Delete: Permanently deletes the snippet from patientNOW. This does not affect documents where the snippet was previously used; deleted snippets are just not available to use on future documents.
Cutremoves highlighted text and saves on clipboard
Copycopies highlighted text and saves on clipboard
Pasteinserts text from clipboard
Undoremoves the result of the last action taken
Redorepeats the result of the last action taken
Insert Link Fielddisplays the insert link field menus