Designed to help you with long-term cash flow, this report is a useful look at expected income. You must be using at least one of the two options for tracking Projected Income for this report to work. For additional information, check out Tracking Projected Income.
For additional information, check out Pivot Tables – Defining the Elements.
Note: Facility, Provider and Seller are based on information at the invoice level.
Initial Data Set
Any invoice with a Projected Income Date in the date range
- the patient is not deleted AND
- the invoice is not deleted
Filter Selection Before Generate
- Projected Payment Date Range
Default Filters
- Facility
- Invoice Type
Optional Filters
- Provider
- Seller
Report Results
Grouped by Month
- Sum of Projected Income Amounts
Pivot Detail Fields
Patients | Registration / Billing, Patient Information Tab
- Patient Last Name
- Patient First Name
- Patient Middle Name
- Patient Date of Birth
Patients | Registration / Billing, Invoices Tab – Invoice Information sub tab
- Invoice Type
Patients | Registration / Billing, Invoices Tab – Payments sub tab
- Projected Income Date
- Projected Income Amount