Designed to give you total payments by month. Allows you to mix and match your report fields. Want to see Payments by Provider and Payment method? No problem! Payments for a category of products? Just drag and drop your filters.
The information will be similar to what appears in the Charges – Payments – Adjustments report except in summary form by Month. You should be able to run the Charges – Payments – Adjustments report for the same period as the Payments Pivot Table and the payment amounts should be the same. (Occasionally, there is a very small difference due to rounding.)
For additional information, check out Pivot Tables – Defining the Elements.
Note: Facility, Provider, Seller, Category, and Name are based on each product or procedure on an Invoice. Referral Source and Detail are taken from the Patient Information tab in Registration/Billing, not from the Treatment Pathway.
Initial Data Set
Any payment on an invoice where the
- the payment date is in the date range AND
- the posted date is in the date range AND
- the payment is not deleted AND
- the invoice is not deleted
Filter Selection Before Generate
- Payment Date Range
- Posted Date Range (created date)
Default Filters
- Facility
- Category
- Name
Optional Filters
- Provider
- Seller
- Payment Method
- Payment Type
- Referral Source
- Referral Detail
Report Results
Grouped by Month
- Sum of Payments
Pivot Detail Fields
Patients | Registration / Billing, Patient Information Tab
- Patient Name (Last, First Middle)
- Patient Date of Birth
- Patient Age
- Patient Gender
- Main Provider
- Referral Source
- Referral Detail
Patients | Registration / Billing, Invoices Tab – Invoice Information sub tab
- Invoice Type
Patients | Registration / Billing, Invoices Tab – Product or Procedure Item
- Facility
- Provider
- Seller
- Procedure/Product Category
- Procedure/Product Name
- Gross Charge
- Cosmetic Discount
Patients | Registration / Billing, Invoices Tab – Payments sub tab
- Insurance Adjustment
- Net Payment
- Payment Method
- Payment Type
- Payment Comments