If you are not using treatment pathways, this table shows your inquiry (new patient) to consult conversion rates. For additional information, check out Pivot Tables – Defining the Elements.
Note: This table does not give you monthly totals. It is designed to show a total over a period of time. Since there are 3 referral source/detail combinations for each treatment pathway, you may select them as filters before you generate the table, but they do not show in the report results.
This report includes canceled appointments in the Booked number. The purpose of this is for you to see the # Attended and % Attended and evaluate whether your non-attendance (including cancellations) is too high.
Initial Data Set
Any patient where the
- the create date is in the date range AND
- the patient is not deleted
For the patients above, any appointment where the
- Appointment Type has the “Consult” box checked AND
- the appointment is not deleted
Filter Selection Before Generate
- Appointment Date Range
- Procedures of Interest
- Referral Sources
- Referral Details
Default Filters
- Consult Appointment Type
Optional Filters
- Provider
- Facility
Report Results
Note: Days to Book = create date of consult appointment minus the treatment pathway date
- New Patients = Count of treatment pathways
- Not Booked = Count of New Patients where there is no subsequent consult appointment scheduled
- % Booked = Not Booked divided by New Patients expressed as a %
- # Booked = Count of New Patients where there is a subsequent consult appointment scheduled
- % Booked = Not Booked divided by New Patients expressed as a %
- Same Day = Days to Book = 0
- < = 1 Week = Days to Book < = 7
- 2 Weeks = Days to Book > 7 AND <= 14
- 3 Weeks = Days to Book > 14 AND <= 21
- 4 Weeks = Days to Book > 21 AND <= 28
- 2 Months = Days to Book > 28 AND <= 60
- 3 Months = Days to Book > 61 AND <= 90
- 6 Months = Days to Book > 91 AND <= 180
- 9 Months = Days to Book > 181 AND <= 270
- 12 Months = Days to Book > 270 AND <= 365
- # Attended = Count of # Booked where the consult appointment is checked in
- % Attended = # Attended divided by # Booked expressed as a %
Pivot Detail Fields
Patients | Registration / Billing, Patient Information Tab
- Patient Name (Last, First Middle
- Patient Date of Birth
- Patient Age
- Patient Gender
- Procedure(s) of Interest
- Referral Source (s)
- Referral Detail (s)
From the consult appointment
- Provider
- Facility
- Coordinator
- Appointment Type
- Appointment Create Date
- Appointment Checked In Date
- Days to Book