The Front Desk Dashboard includes Six Widgets:
- Appointments
- All Patients
- Top Patients
- Goals
- Memberships
- Active Memberships
To learn how to set Date Ranges and Advanced Filters, please review Front Desk Dashboard: Overview.
The Appointments widget displays the number of appointments booked in the date range and location(s) selected.
Note: See Front Desk Dashboard: Overview for details on setting date ranges and advanced filters.
- Patients: The number of scheduled appointments not including No Show or Canceled appointments for the selected date range.
- Unconfirmed: The number of scheduled appointments that are Unconfirmed for the selected date range.
- New: The number of appointments for new patients for the selected date range.
- A New patient is one who has never checked in for an appointment, and who has never spent money at the practice.
- Returning: The number of appointments for returning patients for the selected date range.
- A Returning patient is one who has checked in for at least one appointment, or one who has spent money at the practice.
- Availability: Show the number of open appointment slots based on the selected date range and Availability Time Interval under the Advanced Filters. See Front Desk Dashboard: Overview Availability for details.
The Appointments widget also displays the % change from the previous period, or the compare period selected in the advanced filters. Green percentages indicate growth, while red percentages indicate decline.
The patients widget displays the patients’ appointments in the date range and location selected.
- New patients are indicated with the blue NEW tag. You may select to see:
- All Patients
- New Patients
- Returning Patients
- Information displayed in the appointment line:
- Patient avatar
- Patient first and last name
- Patient phone number
- Appointment category
- Appointment type
- Appointment status
- Scheduled
- Confirmed
- Checked-In
- Checked-out
- No Show
- Cancelled
You may choose what type(s) of status(es) to show in the list. Choose “Select all” to see all statuses.
- Appointment time
- The ellipsis (…) menu allows you to
- Change the status of the appointment
- Go to the Patient Record
- Create a Cart
- Create a new appointment (Book)
- Go to the Inbox to send a text
Note: Send Text is grayed out and disabled if the patient is not consented to receive text messages. This can be changed in the Patient Record.
Select Patient Type
You may select to see all patients, new patients only, or returning patients only by using the Patients drop-down menu.
- Click on the Patients drop-down menu.
- Click to select:
- All Patients to view both new and returning patients
- New Patients to view only new patients (patients that have never checked in to an appointment and have never spent money on a service)
- Returning Patients to view only returning patients (patients that have either checked in to an appointment in the past or have spent money on a service)
Select Appointment Status
You may select to see one or multiple appointment statuses for the date range selected.
- Click the Select All drop-down menu.
Note: Select All is the default. If you have previously selected other appointment status(es) to view, you will see the name of your selection(s) as the drop-down header.
- Click the boxes to select the appointment status(es) you want to see.
Top Patients
The Top Patients widget shows the 15 patients who have spent the most at the selected location in the date range selected.
Spend amount is based on:
- All invoice types
- Payment date
- All payment types
- All payment methods except Gift Cards
The Goals widget will be coming in a future release. The Goals will be set by practice administrators and/or managers, and are viewable on the Front Desk Dashboard.
The Memberships widget shows all membership statuses in the date range selected.
- New: New memberships created in the selected date range. New memberships are those that:
- have never been enrolled in the membership before
- have been re-enrolled in a membership that has become Inactive or Expired
- Inactive: Memberships that have not started yet or that have not been paid in the date range selected.
- Expiring: Memberships that will expire in the date range selected.
- Expired: Memberships that have expired in the date range selected.
- Failed: Memberships that have had a failed payment in the date range selected.
Note: Canceled Memberships currently fall under the Active category.
The Memberships widget also displays the % change from the previous period, or the compare period selected in the advanced filters. Green percentages indicate growth, while red percentages indicate decline.
Active Memberships
The Active Memberships widget shows details of the memberships that are Active, Inactive, Expired, or that have Failed Credit Card payments in the date range selected.
You can see:
- Patient’s name
- Phone number
- Membership type
- Membership end date
- Click the ellipsis (…) to navigate to the Patient’s Record, or to update the Credit Card that is auto-charged for the membership
Select Membership Status
- Click the Active Memberships drop-down menu.
- Select the appropriate membership type.
- Active Memberships
- Inactive Memberships
- Expired Memberships
- Failed Credit Cards
Other Membership Options
Using the ellipsis (…) menu to the right of the patient’s name and membership type you can go to the View Patient to go to the Patient Record or Update Credit Card to update the credit card associated with the membership.